Why all business leaders and CEOs will benefit both professionally and personally from 1-2-1 coaching


As a member of the Alchemists Forum you will benefit from both the advice and learnings you take from your membership group, as well as several one – to - one executive performance coaching sessions with your chair.    

Although they are at the top of the ladder and spend a lot of time ‘coaching’ those below, many business leaders, CEOs and entrepreneurs struggle to accept the importance of coaching to better themselves. As Ariane de Bonvoisin has written, “the business world has a love-hate relationship with coaching” and we believe it is so important, now more than ever to change that perception.  

Recognise the importance of ‘asking for help’ 

As a business leader it is extremely important to lead by example. Effective leaders and businesses are built on relationships where employees feel safe to speak out and ask for help and guidance whenever needed. If this is the case, then shouldn’t it be essential that those ‘at the top’ are encouraged to do the same and have an outlet to do so? 

We all, no matter what stage of the business journey we’re on, benefit from guidance, trusted advice and direction and a coach can be exactly that to those at the top level who need a non-biased advisor to turn to in ‘sticky’ situations. 

Make coaching the ‘norm’ for CEOs and leaders  

After such a tough year and a half for businesses, across the UK and Ireland we are now beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Now more than ever, it is important for business leaders to have a coach to help direct them and their businesses through the challenges of regrowth ahead.  

Business leaders, entrepreneurs and investors need to set the example for the start-up community and those who may only be at the start of their journeys, that it’s ok and the smart choice to ask for assistance in bettering yourself. 

The business community needs to begin ‘owning’ coaching to help normalise it in the business world and stop worrying about what others will think of you for having a coach. It is essential that coaching is seen as a beneficial tool that is openly offered to CEOs and business leaders to better themselves and the business, rather than it be kept a secret and seen as a negative needed for a leader who ‘isn’t good enough’.   

Coaching is about wellbeing, not just business 

We live in a business culture that tends to push leaders, founders and CEOs to the edge of their physical, mental and personal limits as they build their company each and every day. For many in this position, burn out is inevitable as boundaries are overstretched. Coaching isn’t just to motivate professionally, but it can also be a necessary and welcomed tool for CEOs and leaders personally. Executive Performance Coaching sessions offer an outlet away from the business where leaders can let off steam, refocus and realign. 

To ensure a leader can be as effective as possible it is essential to address mental wellbeing as a high priority. Burnout will often come to those who overwork or who are overworked and will cause both short and long term damage to the individual and the business. This is why having an advisory, trusted outlet like a coach is so important, to give you the chance to take a step back and breathe.  

Engaging your brain on non-work related activity or conversation will help to boost creativity and morale and the effects of this will shine through in workplace productivity and leadership.  

The Alchemists Forum offers one to one Executive Performance Coaching at all levels of the business journey. To find out more click here 


The Alchemists Forum addresses the everyday pressures felt by CEOs and business owners


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