Unlocking Greater Performance



Alchemists Active Time Out

- To set aside time to work on yourself and your business.

- To take active time out to explore, practise and test before performing in the real world.

- To take active time out for learning, enjoyment and fun


High Performance

- To be committed to continuous improvement in both your personal and business performance 

- To strengthen your power of self-belief and the belief you can accomplish what you set out to do. 

- To encourage you to rely on your inner resources that are seldom tapped, to use intuition and the ability to improvise and innovate in the face of uncertainty and ambiguity.


Safe Space

- To build a deep trust and respect among the group to help each other get beyond the prejudices we all may hold.

- To build a safe space and true teamwork and help you experience what high performance and deep alignment feels like.



- To foster an experience of how through relationships a group of leaders from many different sectors can coalesce around an issue of shared concern and move to successful resolution.

- To learn from the entire experience how to be flexible and adapt quickly to change and embrace new environments.


Member characteristics / beliefs & values



The Alchemists Forum is built upon a foundation of equality. There is no hierarchy in our groups. We come together as equals, recognising that each of us brings experience and knowledge to the table that can benefit the whole group. Your input matters - we encourage you to participate and bring your thinking and strengths to the table.



Our members demonstrate a willingness to share their personal and business triumphs and failures. Hard-won experience (good and bad) is what provides depth and meaning for leaders of substance. Members believe and value continuous learning and always strive for greater.



In addition to improving organisational performance, our members aim to increase levels of satisfaction and performance in their own work as well as that of their employees, their customers and investors.



Consistent participation is often an important ingredient in bonding peers and building the trust required to discuss key issues. All CEOs are busy, and members in any group will view participation as a priority. This is time well spent working on the business and yourself rather than within it.



Whilst they may be strong in their views, our groups are non-judgmental and compassionate. The best personal board members ask questions, draw analogies, make dispassionate observations, give focused feedback, help you attain self-knowledge and ultimately help you make better decisions.


Meet our members

Greater performance is based on your own aspirations and the dedication you give to your membership. Our member testimonials will give you a flavour of what greater performance looks like for them in their personal journey.

Dorcas Crawford, Alchemists Forum

Dorcas Crawford

Senior Partner at Edwards & Co.

Dominic Walsh, Alchemists Forum

Dominic Walsh

Chief Executive, Hospital Services Limited

Louise McCabe, Alchemists Forum

Louise McCabe

CFO Selazar & MD & Owner, Angel Accounting.

Paul Stewart, Alchemists Forum

Paul Stewart


Start your journey to greater

Whatever leadership position you are in get in touch with us for a chat and we can find out which of our groups or coaching is best suited to you.