Alan Branagh is a man with a purpose

“My goal is to bring people together as equals to build greater enduring companies. As the Founder & Chair of The Alchemists, I want nothing more than to help unlock others to be greater.”

With over 40 years international corporate business experience, Alan is the perfect person to Chair confidential Peer Groups for business owner’s, CEO’s and MD’s of privately held small and medium sized companies.


Unlocking Greater Performance


As a C-Level Executive Performance Coach and Mergers & Acquisitions Consultant, Alan’s specialises in Building Company Value, Corporate Strategy, Sales, Customer Relationship Management, Mergers & Acquisitions, Asset Finance, Leadership development, Executive Performance, Identity & Culture transformation.

Alan has also been retained to help and support organisations within Ireland, the UK and internationally to develop and deliver their leadership, cultural transformations, corporate growth and exit strategies.

In this capacity, he has helped organisations such as Avis Europe, GSK, B9, Accenture, BT, O2, Government Agencies, Hay Group, Irish Football Association Bank of Ireland, Reuters, Panasonic Avionics, Datactics, PWC, Accenture, Edwards & Co, Novosco, Ionology, W5, Belfast Met, Danfoss, LEGO Group and Invest NI.


Alan has Chaired the Academy For Chief Executives NI, ROI & Scotland and the Canoe Association for Northern Ireland. He also has an MSc in Coaching and Organisational Development and is a member of the Institute of Directors. He is also a Lego Serious Play and Experiential Business Learning master facilitator.

His certifications include:
- Executive Performance Coach
- Inner Game Coach & Team Coach (Working Together) with Timothy Gallwey and Sir John Whitmore of Performance Consultants
- LEGO Serious Play Partner and Master Facilitator since 2003
- The TAS Group Sales Methodologies (i.e. Target Account Selling)
- The Hay Groups Emotional Intelligence Competence Inventory
- NLP Practitioner

 “People will perform the impossible if you inspire them as a leader to belong.”

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Whatever leadership position you are in get in touch with us for a chat and we can find out which of our groups or coaching is best suited to you.