Preparing for change and anticipating the road ahead

The only constant in the world of business is the certainty of change.

It is imperative as a business leader who strives for success, that you prepare for change. If you don’t, your business may just fall behind the competition who are committed to strategic innovation. Preparation is key, whether you are preparing for a positive explosion of growth, a neutral shift in the needs of the marketplace or negative change such as an economic downturn. Preparing for all eventualities is key to the ongoing success of your business.

How to prepare for change

As a business leader, you simply cannot foresee everything that is going to happen to or within your business. However, you can make decisions that will benefit the future success of your business and employees.

Anticipating what the road ahead may look like is crucial to prepare for change. If you are not anticipating the future, when change strikes your reaction will be to simply react with no prior plan or preparation. This will put you on the back foot with competition and those in the marketplace as you will be trying not only to catch up, but to correct mistakes made along the way.

Planning for change and anticipating the road ahead is your ultimate competitive advantage.

Business change starts with you

Developing a personal development plan for yourself will allow you to focus on developing your own leadership skills. In reality, when many business leaders start to think about what they want and how they are going to get it, they will soon realise that their personal goals do not align with their business goals. Your personal and business goals must align to succeed and ultimately set your business up for the fluid, ever-changing business world we are all operating in.

As Alchemists Forum member and business leader Dorcas Crawford, owner of The Better Way, says, “To prepare for change it is vital that business leaders must first understand the importance of developing clear and concise goals that align with your business vision. Once you have clarity of your goals, to be a successful leader you must have the tenacity to pursue them.”

“Whether it is in life or in business, the path will not always be straight, and easy to follow. Circumstances will change, you will always face diversions and obstructions, but successful leaders have a clear vision, they review and reassess their goals regularly and despite setbacks, have the openness and willingness to do whatever it will take to reach their goals.”

How can the Alchemists Forum help you prepare for change?

Navigating my way through selling my business in 2021 was a challenging time and a time of tremendous change, as expected,” said Dorcas. “The Alchemist’s Forum provided me with enormous support. Each member genuinely wanted to help, and I was provided with confidentiality, practical advice, tips, daily texts and messages just checking in on me.”

That is in essence, exactly what the Alchemists Forum is all about. As a member you belong to a trusted group of peers who work with you as a business leader to help you through times of change, build an enduring company and lead your business to greater things.

Let the Alchemists Forum help you on your path of change and discovery in 2022. Contact Alan Branagh for more information.


Leading Change within an Organisation


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