Good to Greater

Unlocking Greater Performance

Business Transformation to be Exit Ready

Alchemists are Leaders who Transform Themselves and their Business from Good to Greater

“Explore beyond boundaries, reveal hidden possibilities, connect hearts and minds, fulfil life’s purpose”


Greater Decisions > Greater Thinking > Greater Performance

Connection > Clarity > Confidence


The Power of Alchemists


The Alchemists is exclusively for Business Owners, CEO’s & MD’s bringing you together as equals to make Greater Decisions, inspire Greater Thinking and achieve Greater Performance.

The wisdom of your personal board

Greater Connection

Do you have a personal board of directors? We don’t mean a traditional corporate board or NED’s who have to have specific fiduciary and corporate governance duties for the company nor a board of business advisors. Your personal board of directors is composed of people you have grown to deeply respect and would not want to let down.

Greater Clarity

As a business owner & leader you will have the wisdom of a trusted personal board of directors. Your confidants - the trusted people you can turn to for advice and guidance. As your inner circle they give you the kind of clarity, wisdom and advice your significant other, your board, your social friends, your parents, your consultants just can’t give you.

Greater Confidence

Your personal board of directors may be strong in their views, they are non-judgemental and compassionate. The best personal board members ask questions, draw analogies, make dispassionate observations, give focused feedback and help you attain self-knowledge. Ultimately they inspire greater confidence by helping you make greater decisions, engage in greater thinking and achieve greater performance.


What does
unlocking greater
look like?

Greater decisions

Greater decisions

You encourage each other to raise your game, to build better value and talk about the issues that matter most to you in your businesses. Groups are filled with leaders from a variety of non-competing businesses and sizes and bring a wealth of experience and knowledge that will support you as you move forward. There is no hierarchy – members come together as equals and collaborate in order to help all of you think differently and make better decisions.

greater thinking

Greater thinking

Being a business leader can be isolating. It can be difficult to think through your challenges clearly. Your private business group can offer a different perspective, guide you and help you based on members’ own shared experiences. They can help you get to the real issue – in a compassionate and non-biased way.

Greater thinking is brought by talented speakers, books and thought leadership. A problem shared is a problem halved, and you will become part of a culture that inspires others as much as you are inspired.

greater performance

Greater performance

Working within a confidential and private business group means that you will develop and work on yourself and your business rather than being mentored or told what to do. Together we will encourage you to see the qualities you have to develop yourself to make your business more successful.

Most importantly you can confidently drive your business forward, taking your learning into real life. As you transform the way you lead you can create a culture of transformation within your business and inspire others around you to pursue greater in their own roles.


Find out more about the benefits of joining the Alchemists Forum and start to benefit from having your own ‘Personal board you can afford’. 

Your Groups

Platinum, Gold & Silver Alchemists


Keep up-to-date with our latest news, events, insights and member testimonials.

Start your journey to greater

Whatever leadership position you are in get in touch with us for a chat and we can find out which of our groups or coaching is best suited to you.