Three Biggest Changes in Business and Leadership Coaching

Growth in our executive peer group coaching

Business leaders are becoming more aware that they need to see their enterprises as separate entities rather than an extension of themselves.  Whether that’s because there’s just been a lot more written about “Building an enduring business”, I’m not sure. But reading about what you should do and putting it into practice, are two very different things.

Building enduring businesses requires soul searching and asking yourself difficult questions - not an easy thing to do on your own. And as many leaders will testify – it’s lonely at the top – unable to share personal concerns with your senior team and unwilling to burden family and friends.

I am seeing executive peer group coaching increasingly bridging that gap. A combination of professional and personal “counselling for CEOs” it’s equipping leaders to address heartfelt concerns like “Am I the best person to run my business?”, “Should I sell up?”, “Why can’t I attract good senior staff?”

You can come up with your own solutions.  You just need to “be in the room” with the right people, ask the right questions, take the candour, be accountable and honest, enjoy the support and be brave.

 Managing stress and promoting well-being of leaders and their teams

Even before COVID and the huge impact that has had on personal stress levels both inside and outside the workplace, awareness of mental health issues had risen, and questions about how to help staff (and business leaders) dealing with stress and manage the impact on a business became more commonplace.

Like most problems or issues, whether it’s personal or professional, it’s often a good idea to step back and observe. With leaders, time away from your business to work “on it” not “in it”, is not time wasted - especially if it involves a combination of honest reflection, executive peer group coaching and maybe some one-to-one sessions.

In terms of programmes for staff wellbeing, The Alchemists Forum recently looked beyond the usual methods when we hosted Nikki J. Owen, founder of community-based counselling and wellbeing platform, The Healing Hub. Nikki demonstrated how stress can be managed through her Breathing Space technique (this was before the Wim Hof programme aired on TV!) and advocated that business leaders adopt a bolder, longer-term approach by helping employees take control of their own mental health and emotional wellbeing.  

Great employees – where do I get them and how do I keep them?

There are still those of us who are old enough to remember the days when you didn’t get gym membership, private healthcare, duvet days and pizza Fridays as part of your job package! But joking aside, it has been getting harder and harder to recruit and retain great staff – for various reasons.

But resolving the issues always starts at the top. So as a leader, if you’re not actively doing or planning to do the following (this list is not exhaustive) – you’re either looking for trouble or you’re already in it.

·         Creating and promoting an inclusive and positive culture

·         Implementing an effective and successful employee engagement programme (listening and talking to staff)

·         Displaying humility, empathy and vulnerability to your staff

·         Employing the right leadership style for your organisation

·         Training and developing your best internal talent

·         Recognising and celebrating success while dealing constructively and effectively with failure

There is no Holy Grail when it comes to “attracting talent”, but as a leader, start with this and if you need some additional expert insight and support from your peers, you know where we are!

Let the Alchemists Forum help to guide you through your personal leadership journey in 2022. Contact Alan Branagh for more information.

Greater Decisions > Greater Thinking > Greater Performance



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