Engaging Employees through Change

While change is essential to the growth and success of any organisation, it often creates fear and anxiety among a workforce.  Employees who feel they have no control over the process or the impact it will have upon them can become uncooperative, demotivated and unproductive. So how can you, as a leader, overcome these obstacles and sustain employee engagement to achieve meaningful and productive transformational change?  

 Have a clear vision

Clearly identify the reason for change and what the end goal will be. This will form the basis of every decision taken and every message communicated to employees through the process. Without this, there is no understanding of why change is happening or what the benefits will be. The more your staff understand and accept the need for business change, the more positively they will respond

On-going communication

This is the absolute key to successful employee engagement during a time of change, but it must be a two-way conversation and start at the very beginning of the process. Building trust between themselves and their employees by showing that they are listening and responding to their views, true leaders treat change as a collaborative process. Remember that your team members have “hands-on” knowledge of your business operations and often have valuable suggestions to make. Demonstrate that you have taken suggestions on board by providing feedback quickly and honestly.

Identify problems and opportunities early

Never forget that employees are human beings who will react differently to situations. The skill is in identifying those that will embrace change and act as positive influencers and those that will actively oppose change and cultivate negativity in the organisation. Meet with those who are pro-change and decide how they can work with their peer groups to build positive momentum. Equally, talk directly to employees who are feeling threatened to work through their concerns and encourage constructive input from them.

Smaller tasks, more recognition

It is important that employees don’t feel overwhelmed by the task ahead. The change process should be broken down into manageable stages that are easier to understand and successfully achieve. Building confidence, security, and increased positivity through regular shared recognition and celebration of these achievements, helps convert those who are on the fence and galvanises support and co-operation.

Make Change the “norm”

Instil a culture of continuous improvement for individuals and ultimately the organisation.  Invite staff to share their ideas and observations to help drive ongoing “change” rather than it being seen as a target set in stone and something to be feared.  

How are you driving change through your business?

Let the Alchemists Forum Help you on your path of change and discovery in 2022. Contact Alan Branagh alan@alchemistsforum.com for more information.



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